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The Ark Centre Amt Neuhaus

Pigs with reddish bristles, colorful manure-scratching chickens, cattle with bright white coats and loop-eared sheep with black patches around their eyes – just some of the many traditional breeds being kept and bred along the shores of the scenic Elbe river valley. They all are endangered, that is at risk of going extinct. In order to preserve their variety, the so-called 'Ark Region Elbe River Landscape' has been brought into life.

Here, many small family farms keep and breed these increasingly rare livestock species. And because free ranging livestock and scratching poultry create an agro-environment conducive to other small animals, these breeders make an essential contribution to maintaining biodiverse agricultural landscapes. Breeds carry colorful names such as Buntes Bentheimer Schwein, Rauwolliges Pommersche Landschaf, Wollschweine, Deutsches Niederungsrind, Vorwerkhühner oder Deutsche Sperber.

The Ark Centre Amt Neuhaus serves as an 'information house' for the biosphere reserve and supports the Ark region and its objectives.

Visit the modern exhibition in order to get manyfold information, e.g. on
  • the Ark Region, its ancient animal breeds and crop varieties
  • wild animals and plant species of the Elbe Valley and their interactions with residents
  • development of settlements and landscape as shaped by the Elbe River
  • the interesting inner-German history of the Amt Neuhaus Municipality
Hands-on exhibits provide experiences with all senses for the young and the old.

Cooperation with educational institutions and environmental education activities are being developed continuously.

Furthermore, residents and tourists can contact the Ark Centre in order to get first-hand information on the biosphere reserve, current activities. A selection of products provided by the ancient breeds can be acquired here.
Part of the exhibition in the Ark Centre Amt Neuhaus Bildrechte: Ark Centre Amt Neuhaus

Part of the exhibition in the Ark Centre Amt Neuhaus

Information House

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