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Storkenkate Information Point in Preten

The ‘Sudewiesen’ project managed by the Stork Foundation is devoted to the white stork (Ciconia ciconia). The information point in Preten is open to the public, and it is also the coordinating centre for scientif ic studies. In a small exhibition with indoor and outdoor sections, visitors can find out how habitats suitable for the white stork can be maintained with the help of aurochs and semi-wild ponies, the ‘koniks’. Further afield, a nature trail through the manor woods in Preten and observation points on footpaths and cycleways provide very good views of the species-rich meadows round about which are known as the Sudewiesen. There are also guided tours through the project area.

Storkenkate Preten

Dorfstraße 9a
19273 Preten
Tel.: 038841 - 2 04 12
Fax: 038841 - 2 04 24
E-Mail: storkenkate@gmx.de

Infostelle Storkenkarte in Preten

Storkenkate Information Point in Preten

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